How to Manifest Money

Money Spells, Tips, Tricks and things that really work!

Who doesn't love a little extra income? Money to do the things you love to do, or maybe just to pay your bills. Whatever the case, there never seems to be enough.
Manifesting money is actually easier than you think. As long as you keep the "desperation" out of it.
Here are some ways to bring an abundance of money into your life.

First thing first.


I cannot stress this one enough. When you see and FEEL what it is like to have the money you want to come in, feeling the relief of knowing there is always enough and the happiness that it is not something you need to constantly think or stress about and then LET GO! Think it. Feel it. Let Go of it.

Speak and Write

Did you know that the word "spelling" has the word "spell" in it? Obviously you did...but REALLY think about that for a moment....words are powerful. What we say and what we write, we are creating into existance.
Write everyday in a journal the following spell

An abundance of money flows into my life today and everyday from every direction. Filling my pockets and my bank account.
I am filled with joy and peace knowing that there is always enough and that I can enjoy the things I love to do. 
The peace of this, brings me happiness.


Chrysanthemum Stone
Citrine Crystals
Fire Agate
Golden Yellow Apatite
Golden Rutilated Quartz
Golden Yellow Labradorite
aka Bytownite
Golden Yellow Topaz
Green Apatite
Green Aventurine
Green Calcite
Green Prehnite
Green Selenite
Grossular Garnet
Himalayan Gold Quartz
Honey Calcite
Iron Pyrite
Lemurian Jade
Libyan Desert Glass
aka Libyan Gold Tektite
Moss Agate
Sphene aka Titanite
Stibnite, Sunstones
Tigers Eye
Uvarovite Garnet
White Calcite
Yellow Aventurine
Yellow Sapphire
Yttrium Fluorite
Zincite with
Golden Yellow Labradorite


Kale – highest source of protein in a green
Spinach – highest source of iron and fiber
Berries – free radical 
Wheatgrass – invigorates the body with life and prana
Sea vegetables – the proper combination of greens, minerals and salts
Spirulina – life giving for blood cells
Hemp Seeds – highest source of protein 
Coconut Water – highest source of natural electrolytes 
Pine nuts – high in prana and energetic stimulation for nervous system 
Basil – high in vibration and many many ntruients and alchemical interactions

Want some extra help manifesting your desires? This step by step guide to 30 days of manifesting your goals, is a book that can help give that extra book you need! Get yours here for under $20!!!
30 Days Manifestation Journal

Founder of Intuitive Healing


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